Sheik es un personaje de La Leyenda de Zelda: Ocarina de Tiempo. Sheik hace las veces del alter ego de la Princesa Zelda en el juego; Para escapar de la captura de Ganondorf, Zelda se hace pasar por un Sheikah masculino conocido como Sheik. A lo largo del curso del juego, Sheik auxilia a Link, quien no está al tanto de la identidad verdadera de Sheik, proveyéndolo de información y enseñándole canciones de teleportación con su arpa.
La apariencia de Sheik y el uso frecuente de Semillas del árbol Deku como un medio para desaparecer rápidamente, son decididamente reminiscentes de un ninja típico. Posiblemente a causa de esto, Sheik se ha convertido en un personaje popular en La Leyenda de Zelda mythos. El género verdadero de Sheik y la forma en que Zelda solía cambiar su apariencia, es también fuertemente debatida entre sus admiradores.
El tamaño de este modelo; 25 cm.
¡Gracias por su atención!
Sheik is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Sheik serves as Princess Zelda's alter ego in the game; to escape Ganondorf's capture, Zelda passes herself off as a male Sheikah known as Sheik. Throughout the course of the game, Sheik aids Link, who is not privy to Sheik's true identity, by providing him with information and teaching him teleportation songs with her harp.
Sheik's appearance and frequent usage of Deku Nuts as a means to vanish quickly is decidedly reminiscent of a typical ninja. Possibly owing to this, Sheik has become a popular character in The Legend of Zelda mythos. Sheik's true gender and the means Zelda used to change her appearance is also heavily disputed among fans.
The size of this model; 25 cm.
Thanks for your attention!
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lunes, marzo 30, 2009
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109 comentarios:
mandarmelo a mi por favor
Wow, it is amazing!
wonderful! can't wait to build it. i love playing as sheik in melee.
Seguimos como siempre prestigiando vuestro magnifico trabajo. Todo un ejemplo para el mundo del papercraft.
Saludos cordiales a ti Icthus7 y a tu gran colaborador y gran amigo mio, enrique3.
Aqui mi correo para Sheik
!!!!!Me encanta este modelo!!!!
Siempre he estado buscando un modelo de sheik, gracias!!!
podeis mandarlo a:
PD.- Una pregunta, ¿Va a estar a la misma escala que los de ninjatoes?
De nuevo, !gracias!
Wonderful looking work. I love building human figures.
Esta excelente, les agradecería mucho si me pueden enviar el modelo, gracias de antemano.
Pues la verdad se ve muy bueno demaciado, ademas Sheik es mi personaje favorito de Zelda :P
Si me lo envias te lo agradeceria mucho! Gracias! n,n
Wow, that's awesome! I know a lot of people have been waiting for a good Sheik model. Great job! d(^_^)b
Oh yeah, forgot to add my email. :p
hi, nice model. Mind if I ask for it too?
hi, i'm fan of zelda's game. Thank's for sending me this model
This is brilliant, fantastic work! Thanks!
Nice work as always!
I just cant wait to build it!!
wonderful job!
I really want to build this model of Sheik, it looks great. :)
Thank you.
Nice model! I love your work, can't wait to make this one~
Nossa, muito foda esse modelo! Vcs estão de parabéns com os Modelos da série Zelda. Muito bom!!! =D
Se vc puderem me enviar, já agradeço.
This is amazing!!!! Please send it to me :D
WOW!! muy buen modelo. ¿me lo podrias mandar plz?
Wow! I can't wait to make this amazing model!
Tus modelos son geniales, solo he armado dos link y zelda de navidad.ambos para obsequios
te agradeceria mucho si ademas de sheik me enviaras el modelo del hada mi madre las colecciona y se acerca mayo :)
Esta demasiado bueno!!!!!
Me lo mandas?
Wow, this looks fantastic :) Sweet job. My email is
Looks like another challenging but fun model. I'm in.
I was wandering who would win the race to get the first sheik out (of a good quality) and it looks like Icthus wins.
Vaya... exclente modelo Ichtus... te felicito!!
OJala me lo puedas mandar.. aca te dejo mi correo.. sigue adelante
awesome model can't wait till I get some ink to build this.
Great build's keep'm comeing
Genial el sheik. desde el Link y Zelda navideños esperaba un modelo de esta saga de Zelda hecho por tu propia mano. No menciono a los korokos que, aunque estubieron bien diseñados, no me llamaron la atencion como este personaje la puede atraer.
Saludos, espero el modelo en .pdo a Saludos
A great model! she's one of my favourite characters.
From a papercrafter in Canada.
Zeraal, tu correo tiene un error:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 17).
Debes checar si es tu dirección correcta. O puedes enviarme otra, gracias.
Best model I've seen on your site in a while. Fantastic work.
Por favor!!! mandamelo!!! soy fanatico de zelda y mas aun de tus papercrafts!!!
mi correo es :
Muchas gracias a todos por sus comentarios. Ahora contesto algunas interrogantes en general:
-El tamaño del modelo; 25 cm.
-Las plantillas son PDO y PDF, con líneas y sin líneas.
-Estoy enviando a los correos que ustedes nos proporcionan. Si alguna persona no recibe el modelo, por favor menciónenlo para reenviarlo.
Thank you very much to all for your comments. Now I answer some questions in general:
-The size of the model; 25 cm.
-Templates are PDO and PDF, with lines and with no lines.
-I'm sending the mails that you provide us. If any person does not receive the model, please mention it to send it again.
A papercraft of Sheik my favorite character wow i love it it looks amazing.
I like this,please seng to me
Sheik's one of my favorite characters, I would love a copy of this myself.
Wow the model looks great. looking forward to your next model from zelda.
thank you! I'm looking forward to my next holidays ^^
Hola! It seems a good looking model, by the picture!
I've sent Enrique an email with my address... I hope you'll receive it!
Btw, as I said in the mail, I'd like to receive the Sheik model since I find this incarnation of Zelda really better than the plain "cute princess" one.
So far,there is a very great papercraft.I praised for your talent,and i wish i can do this Sheik.After i finish the Sheik,i will send photo to you.In order to do your papercraft,i will do my best!
Wow! I like it! Please send it to me! ;)
From The Norwegian Papercrafter.
nice model, i'd love to build it. send it to me please? thanks! :-D
Waw es genial
Mandenmelo porfa
Great Model, I love it, please send.
I always wanted a sheik papercraft
thanks a lot
Hello Icthus7
I'm out of papercrafts for almost a year .... had a serious problem and in my family that has not been completely resolved ... enter the time while you track a little to the papercrafts not be outdated ... I am a big fan of his work and would like to receive the model ... thanks and a hug!
I am glad to see a lot of models like these, and I may build all of them!
Perdon por los inconvenientes, apenas cheque el error
la direccion correcta faltaba de una u:
Gracias por todo Enrique :D acaba de llegar
never played any Zelda games but I like to build the characters.
Tord from sweden
I don't really understand why not to share it right away? That would save you guys quite some time, and everybody would be able to build it this way.
But do as you like :) I won't leave my mail since I can't post it on NP anyway with this comment rule ;)
Actually they are only two, the principal reasons;
1. We want to know our friends's opinion, about this model. In another way, we never would be able to know it.
2. We have the opportunity to know some persons that visit our Blog. And make new friends.
Best regards.
Wenas, esta genial! yo quiero intentarlo aver si me sale un poco parecido D=
Aqui ta mi mail, enviamel plz
wow amigo ichtus habia estado leyendo todo un tema en un foro donde iniciaste el tema, lo increible es que lei las 60 y tantas paginas de ese foro y me encanta este arte, yo ya habia iniciado hace mucho armando modelos, pero nunca crei que ya tuvieras pagina, que buena onda, espero que me mandes a sheik de zelda mi mail es, y me gustaria tambien que me enseñaras a hacer mis propios modelos para luego compartirlos, saludos y suerte con tu pagina
mandarmelo a mi povor :
mi web:
Ahora si te luciste,hermano!!!
Si me lo pudieras mandar...
mi correo es:
De antemano,gracias...
Hola Kamus, probablemente tu correo tiene un error;
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 14).
Algún error tipográfico. Envíame tu correo nuevamente. Gracias.
Hola como siempre muy buenos modelos, sigan asi, mi correo es
genial el modelo a mi mama le gustamucho zelda e sheikian :)
de ante mano gracias enrique e itchus
felicidades por tus habilidades quisiera saber si me puedes enviar tu modelo a mi correo porfavor
i need this model!!
Grandes aportes como siempre....
This is a great model. Can you send one to me?
Thank you.
Hey! Plz send me this model!
It's wonderfull!
Thank you so much!
Finally somebody who actually shares this craft lol. Great work! KEep it up!
very cool, would love to try
Enviado a todos los correos. Gracias a todos nuestros amigos!
La anterior dirección de correo, es el último envío.
Lamentablemente, algunos chicos han publicado enlaces de descarga de este modelo. En diferentes sitios. Por esa razón, cerramos este tema.
Cumplimos nuestro objetivo, y lo compartimos públicamente.
Gracias y saludos.
Sent to all mails. Thanks to all our friends!
The previous mail, it's the last shipment.
Regrettably, some kids have published links of download of this model. At different sites. For that reason, we close this theme.
We complete our objective, and we shared it in public.
Thanks and greetings.
This model it´s perfect. Can you send me to
I've been waiting for this forever!
sorry i'm late...
but this model is great, i wanna try to make it....
thanx dude... or
No he podido dar con el.. agradeceria si me lo enviaran a
BTW i could not find this model anywhere else.
De acuerdo, no hay problema.
Ya les envié el modelo, con mucho gusto.
OK, no problem.
I already sent you the model, with pleasure.
Oh wow, I can't wait to try and make this. I love Sheik, and from the looks of it, you did an amazing job on capturing s/he on paper. Please send me a copy whenever you're able. =)
Awesome papercraft, keep up the good work!!!
Esta padre el sheik, porfa mandamelo si?
please....i want it
Send it!
Very nice model, I'd love to give it a try.
ke onda, oye es un bien modelo, pasamelo a mi correo, es un buen aporte y buen modelo,
Mándamelo a mi hotmail:
Buen papercraft ^_^
Es estupendo el disponer de un paper craft como este.
Mi correo es
WOW, this came out amazing. I'm very interested in trying it out. I hope to give it to my wife...sheik is her favotite character. Please send me the files if its not too much trouble.
Thank you so much. is my email. Please send the files to:
thank you, again this thing is amazing.
Grandioso trabajo! aca mi mail, porfavor enviadmelo:
Plz send it to me
wow it seems wonderful
can you send it to me?
thanks a lot
Una preciosura de figura... Para tenerla luciendo en el mejor lugar de tu cuarto. Sheik Rules!!
Gracias de antemano.
¡Gracias a todos por sus comentarios!
Con este último comentario, cierro definitivamente este tema. No enviaré más correos.
Espero que los amigos que lo recibieron, disfruten el modelo.
Saludos cordiales.
Thanks to all for your comments!
With this last comment, I close this theme definitively. I'll not send more mails.
I hope than the friends that received it, enjoy the model.
Best regards.
El envío de este modelo terminó hace mucho tiempo. Lo lamento no enviaré más correos.
Envié mas de 150 correos. Por favor no continúen solicitando este modelo.
Gracias por su atención.
The shipment of this model finished long time ago. I'm sorry about it I won't send more mails.
I sent more than 150 mails. Please don't continue asking for this model.
Thank you for your attention.
Send For me
enviamelo porfa!! sheik es mi personaje favoritooo XDDDDD!!!! por cierto seria mejor q pusieras la descarga para ahorrarte el trabajo de mandarlos :)
weno... aqui mi correo:
enviamelo por favor
This looks like a great model! Sheik has always been one of my favorites, could you send one to me as well please?
looks awesome, could u send it to my email?
Great model! could you send it to my e-mail please?
Hey! Do you still have this amazing model? could you send to me? my e-mail is
do you still have the model files? could you send them to my mail please
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