Omastar es un Pokémon de tipo roca y agua, una combinación bastante extraña ya que los tipo roca son débiles contra el agua. Es la evolución de Omanyte.
El nombre viene de una palabra compuesta, oma, que viene de ammonites (un grupo de moluscos extintos bastante parecidos a él) y star, que viene del inglés (estrella, o héroe).
Omastar es un Pokémon extinto, por lo cual no es posible atraparlo en estado salvaje, la única manera de obtenerlo es mediante la evolución de Omanyte. Se dice que este Pokémon está extinto a causa de que su caparazón es demasiado pesado, lo cual lo hace lento y le es difícil atrapar a su presa.
Por otra parte su caparazón resistente le permite proteger su cuerpo blando. Tiene unos colmillos en la boca que son capaces de destrozar caparazones, como el de Shellder, siendo este su principal alimento. De su cuerpo salen pies ambulacrales que le ayudan a desplazarse sobre el fondo marino.
Utiliza sus tentáculos para capturar a su presa. Por lo pesado de su caparazón, sus movimientos son más lentos.
El tamaño del modelo: 15 cm.
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Omastar is a Pokémon of category rock and water, an enough strange combination because the type they are rock, are weak against water. Is Omanyte's evolution.
The name comes from a composite word, oma, that it comes from ammonites ( extinct molluscs' group quite seemed to him ) and star, like ( star, or hero ).
Omastar is an extinct Pokémon, for which it is not possible to catch it in savage status, the only way to obtain it is through Omanyte's evolution. It is said that this Pokémon is extinct because of that his shell is too heavy, which does it slowly and it is difficult for him to catch his victim.
Besides his resistant shell enables protecting his soft body. He has some canine teeth in the mouth, that they are able to destroy shells, like the of Shellder, being this his principal food. Of his body, get out feet (ambulacrales) that they help to move around on the marine bottom.
Utilize his tentacles to capture his prey. For his heavy shell, his movements are slower.
The size of the model: 15 cm.
Files are PDF and PDO, with lines and with no lines. That you enjoy it!
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jueves, junio 11, 2009
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2 comentarios:
Y se venia venir la evolución jaja...bien ahora seguira creciendo mi coleccion de pokemón, gracias Enrique e Icthus7, ustedes siempre con los grandes modelos...
GREAT MODEL thank you.
Keep up the great work.
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